Comfy while walking my pet

Sweater - c/o Sosolo | Leggings - c/o Wholesale-dress | Wellies - Jumbo I'm on vacations, so now I've the time to walk my pet, thing I can't do when my classes start. But for these walks, no coat is required, since I start sweating in a few minutes. Therefore, I need to be comfortable, so wellies a and comfortable sweater are the best option. I rarely wear pants, even in winter. Personally, I think leggings are warmer so I prefer to wear them (always with a longer sweater). These are ridiculously warm, inside they have a thick lining of fur, never seen leggings warm like these! The vintage sweater is from Sosolo , always loved these sweaters, they aren't exactly trendy or feminine, but they make me feel comfortable and cozy, so when I'm home I always wear them. Tenho aproveitado estas pequenas férias para dar uns passeios com a minha cadela, porque daqui a uns tempos só a volto a ver ao fim-de-semana. Mas para estes passeios, nada de casacos que ...