Beauty // Nail Tattoos

If you like pretty manicures with lovely details but you don't have time, talent or patient to make them yourself, temporary nail tattoos are the perfect solution. They're super easy to apply: just crop the chosen image from the set, remove the transparent foil, press the drawing against the nail and soak it with water, removing it gently after this. They last about 3-5 days on the nails and a top coat makes them look even better. My favorite ones are the animal silhouettes and I prefer to see the tattoos with a bright shine-free nail polish color. You can find them at Fake Tattoos . The website not only sells nail tattoos but also body tattoos, with very good prices and free shipping! A quem, como eu, gosta de manicures bonitas com pormenores que chamam a atenção, mas não tem nem paciência nem tempo para andar a fazer experiências com vernizes, estas tatuagens temporárias para unhas da Fake Tattoos são a solução perfeita. A aplicação é muito fácil: recortar...