Lifestyle // About those trendy healthy habits

I think we all agree that being healthy is trendy right now. Instagram and Facebook feeds are filled with detox juices, all kinds of seeds, fruits and vegetables, leggings, sneakers and fit bodies. Ideas to improve our lifestyle and words of encouragement to run and eat clean are everywhere. And this is a good trend, because everyone should take care of themselves. But everything with moderation! Forget dangerous diets and gym only in summer and start acquiring and improving healthy habits gradually, without denying yourself a nice chocolate or a lazy morning laying on your bed. Veggies and fruit are the best for your body, but I don't wanna live in a world without ice cream and candy - and it's ok to eat them occasionally (and we should remind ourselves we are omnivores, not herbivores). A bit of exercice does wonders, but you don't have to be a fitness guru. As everything, moderation is the key. With all this in mind, decided to start sharing with you some habits ...