Beauty // Santa Claus is coming to town

Dare to say it's already Christmas on my bathroom lately, thanks to Lush and it's amazing Christmas themed beauty products. I'm talking about Father Christmas bath bomb, Drummers Drumming bath foam and Reindeer Rock soap! All nice products, trust me. Já fui enchendo a banheira de espírito natalício durante este mês, graças à Lush e à sua bomba de banho Father Christmas, à espuma de banho Drummers Drumming e ao sabonete Reindeer Rock. Tudo coisas boas, como a Lush me habituou. Father Christmas Bath Bomb - It's always a pleasure to throw a bath bomb into the bathtub and watch the magic unfold. This time the tub was filled with green water and the popular Snow Fairy fragrance (which is popular for some reason) invaded the room. After a relaxing (and very long) bath, left the water in the tub, left home and when I returned hours later the amazing fragrance was still in the air. They cost 5.95 euros each, too bad because they would make the most fa...