Lifestyle // Alegre Hotel at Luso, Portugal

EN Portugal is a beautiful country and has lot of amazing hotels, believe me. So I decided to show to some I already know. Let's start with a lovely hotel at Luso, a portuguese small village near Coimbra, perfect to get some rest and walk around a beautiful wood called Mata do Buçaco. The hotel is called Alegre (fun fact, portuguese word for cheerful) and it's pink, vintage and, I would dare to say, Wes Anderson style! It's very charming, the staff is thoughtful, the breakfast is quite good and it's not too expensive. The best? The XIX century decoration and the pool area (it has flowers all over the place, how lovely). PT Ora quem me conhece sabe que eu adoro passear e aproveito qualquer oportunidade para o fazer. Daí que fins-de-semana fora de casa é uma coisa que eu vou fazendo. Já tinha esta ideia de vos mostrar hotéis que acho valerem a pena há algum tempo, mas só agora a decidi pôr em prática. Nem sempre levo a máquina atrás de mim ou bagunço o ...