Travelling // A week in Algarve

EN A few weeks ago, I headed to Algarve (Portugal) for some vacation days. Algarve is so nice: long sunny days without wind, which allows you to stay on the beach until 9 pm, warm nights where it's not necessary to wear a coat, beautiful beaches with warm water and breathtaking landscapes. Don't get me wrong, my whole country has beautiful beaches, but I'm not a fan of cold water (I live on the north, so you know, "Winter is coming"). Made an awesome boat trip in Lagos, went for the animated Albufeira nights and fell in love with a vegan restaurant in Portimão (miss it already). And I got myself a nice tan! Which almost disappeared already, damn it. Click below to see the pictures. PT Há umas semanas atrás, rumei ao Algarve, para uns dias de sol, calor e descanso. Já não ia para o sul do país há alguns anos, e logo no primeiro dia relembrei-me porque é que as terras algarvias são tão agradáveis: dias longos sem ventos frios, que me permitiam f...