Girls shows a bittersweet, dramatic and less glamorous side of life of who lives and works in New York. The protagonist (and also author of the series) is Hannah, a young aspiring writer. She's insecure and with serious self-esteem issues. Her three best friends are Marnie, an serious and responsible assistant at an art gallery, Jessa, a bohemian well-traveled british philosophy student and Shoshanna, a naive and innocent college student. They all have a relaxed, fun and vintage style. This series is a lot different from the usual, by its raw nature and peculiar humor. It portrays women and their relationships realistically and approaches issues like friendships, emerging adulthood, sexuality, self-esteem, intimacy... Highly recommended! Girls mostra um lado agridoce, dramático e menos glamouroso da vida de quem mora e trabalha em Nova Iorque. A protagonista (e também autora da série) é Hannah, uma jovem aspirante a escritora. É insegura, mimada, com sér...